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Tuesday, December 21, 2010





This Is My Confession


I shy away from

and resist spiritual perfection.

For I do not welcome

what it would mean for me.

It would require maturity

and a high level of accountability.

It would require reverent submission

and service, done willing.

No longer acceptable

to live life emotionally,

I would be expected to

walk faithfully and

to live life obediently.

I would have to let God

and let go of me.

My life could no longer be

a script lived passively,

but would be transformed

to a life I chose

to live freely.


Patient, Lord, please be with me.

Continue your work in me.

Perfect me.



(C) 2009 Groshonda McDonald


Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Poem Dedicated To Real Friendships


We are friends, real friends.
Our friendship is not based on the
played out notion of having
our selfish needs met.
It is an agape relationship,
modeled after a godly covenant.
Love, honor and respect
are our friendship benefits.

We are not in a competition and
 we do not view each as rivals.
We stand as sisters, in agreement
and pray on one accord
for both our survivals.

We do not require each other
to dim our lights,
but instead we encourage each other
to shine them bright.

We do not tear each other down,
but purpose in our hearts to uplift.
God blessed us with each other.
Our friendship is a special gift.

We are friends, real friends.

© 2009 Groshonda McDonald

Monday, December 13, 2010


Even the best parent pales, compared to God.


God is NOT my earthly, fleshly, natural father.

He is NOT plagued by inconsistencies,

issues of abandonment, selfishness,

greed, lust, vanity, or leasing.

He is trustworthy. He is faithful.

He DOES NOT come and go

according to convenience and time constraints.

Unlike an earthly father,

having multiple children does not

diminish the amount of time, comfort,

guidance, love or patience

He has available for me.

I will ALWAYS have His full attention.

His love for me is unsurpassed

by His love for any of His other children.

I am His favorite.

He loves me…flaws and all.

He will ALWAYS love me…flaws and all,

no matter what!!

NOTHING can or will EVER

separate me from His love.

He is my HEAVENLY father.

©2010 Groshonda McDonald

Friday, December 10, 2010


Grief comes not just with the death of a loved one, but also with the death of dreams, relationships and stages of life.  God is the only one who can provide the refuge, covering and comfort we need during those treacherous and challenging seasons of mourning.


Lord, I am hurting.

Protect me in this dangerous place of grief.

Help me to realize your perfect comfort and to seek you, alone, for relief.

Protect me, Lord,

because grief is such a treacherous place.

Help me to be aware of YOUR presence,

and into You, only, to escape.

Protect me, Lord.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Stranded…in the middle of somewhere.

Waiting for something I can’t see,

but I know is coming.

I can feel its immense pressure building.

I can feel the shaking ground from its stampede.

I am frozen as a deer in headlights,

unable to move out of its way.

As I open for impact, I am bracing for its impact.

In limbo…in the middle of somewhere.

Waiting for something I can’t see,

but I know is coming.

What shall things be?

What shall become of me?

I do not know the answer to these things.

All I know is I am waiting for change.

© 2010 Groshonda McDonald

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Why do you twist and turn,
even as you long and yearn?

Why do you struggle and strain,
even as you cling to His name?

Why do you flit and flutter,
even as you wait for Him to utter?

Why do you resist and rebel,
even as you pray to be whole and well?

Why do you fret and fear,
even as you pray for an opened ear?

Why do you ask and doubt,
even as you try to figure things out?

Monday, November 8, 2010


The collective pains, Lord,
somehow got all tangled up
with my perception and image I have of

Tell me something, does this freedom you speak of,
of that pain will I be free?

The acquired regrets, Lord,
somehow got all messed up
and confused my perception and image I have of

Tell me something, does that freedom you speak of,
of those regrets will I be free?

The accumulated hurts, Lord,
somehow got all wrapped up
in the perception and image I have of

Free of those things will your freedom
make possible for me?

©2010 Groshonda McDonald

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Me and my son and the battles lost and won.

Who’s in charge at any given time is,

I’m ashamed to say debatable.

My un-sureness, masked as authority, to his sharp eye,

is more often than not, detectable.

His eleven-year old wisdom, at times,

reveals my forty-one year old wisdom as deflatable.

And the reason that comes from his mouth,

at those times, is most convicting and detestable.

So I grudgingly hand him the win with an attitude

similar to, but not quite, respectable.

And I choose another battle.

© 2010 Groshonda McDonald

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Each day has numerous and countless scenarios,

heavy with offenses and temptations of unrighteousness,

just ripe for the picking.

But I choose not to eat or partake of that fruit.

Instead, ALL thoughts of bitterness, wrath, anger,

clamor, slander and malice, I put away from me.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, I render them mute.

My heart, filled with compassion, will remain tender.

And kind to others I will be.

As I obediently and humbly choose to always forgive,

just as God in Christ also has forgiven me.

©2010 Groshonda McDonald

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


God is the only one who is
available everywhere you are
and in every circumstance
and situation,
and in every relationship
and interaction,
and in every exchange
and conversation
you find yourself in.

Stay hidden in Him.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My delusions were my crutches,
they were my coping mechanisms.
Now they are being stripped from me -
one by one, leaving me exposed and afraid.
God's truth doesn't seem like enough
to cover my insecurities or my inadequacies.
My weaknesses seem so impossible for His grace.
I am struggling to trust and to believe.

There are still places in my heart
I don't want to know or admit that He sees.
Places I haven't acknowledged,
which are still broken in me.

Why is wholeness so scary.
Why is wholeness so difficult to receive?

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Lord, give me a clear, simple understanding of who You are.
I see from Your word I need knowledge of You and Your ways.
Lead me in my study of Your word to truly discover who You are;
to truly, really know You.

Open my understanding, renew my mind, prepare my heart,
PIERCE my ears, change my perception to YOURS - REFINE ME. 
Sensitize me to the Holy Spirit's leading into ALL paths of TRUTH.

Guard my heart with Your peace, Lord.
Guard my mouth, my emotions, my hope, my trust, my faith, my beleif and my life.

Help me to stay close to You, Lord.,

In Jesus' Name,

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Who I keep thinking I have left behind is who You keep revealing to me.
But I keep running away, thinking it's toward who I've become to be.

I keep wondering why you even bothered to save me.
For what impossible purpose and for what unheard of destiny?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Am I REALLY bare and naked before the Lord?
Am I REALLY being honest with myself?
Do I really trust Him, no matter what? 
Is my confidence really in Him, no matter what?
Or do I believe He owes me something?
What's really in my heart?
What are my real motives?
What am I really seeking and searching for?
What indeed?

Lord, help me and have mercy on me in the process.
I am praying for GRACE and ENDURANCE.
I am praying for TRUTH and WHOLENESS.
I judge you faithful, Lord.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Watching, envying, longing,
wondering why it
hasn't happened for me.

Watching, envying, longing,
wondering will it
ever happen for me.

Watching, envying, longing,
wondering if it's
even possible for me.

Watching, envying, longing,
wondering am I even ready for it.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


getting my card pulled
revealing my real motives.

having my cover blown
revealing my true desires.

being found out
revealing what is really in my heart.

I will remain in front of God.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


My being is no longer mine.

The papers have been signed.

I am surrendered to Your Holy re-design.

Lord, who I now am, You define.

I am now a new creation of Your sovereign mind.

There has been a transfer of ownership.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


with severe force,
wayward thoughts
and thoughts out of line.
Hancuffing and taking
them captive,
immediately, to the
obedience of Christ.

No other option.
No other choice.
Vitally imperative
to the success of
my spiritual life.


Saturday, July 17, 2010


When I prayed to God,

He listened. He heard.

He even heard

the prayers I forgot I

prayed, but my heart

remembered. When they

were answered, at first, I

was amazed, then shocked,

then overwhelmed with gratitude

and humility. Here I was

so smug and self righteous

in my suffering! Actually feeling

like no one cared, or under-

stood! I was so certain that

NO ONE was really listening!

And, all along, God heard

every word, spoken and unspoken,

thought and unthought. He is

truly amazing. He has the right to be a selfish God.

He is the ultimate. NO ONE

has his power. The devil may

be able to manipulate, but God

is the only one able to

REGULATE!!! He alone is

worthy of everything you have to offer!!

God, guaranteed, will keep you humble.

© 2007 Groshonda McDonald

Sunday, July 4, 2010



I stand in my place of freedom and change
where I know in God's plan, alone,
my life's purpose and destiny, fits.

I stand in my place of freedom and change
where trust in God, alone, exists.

I stand in my place of freedom and change
where ALL my hopes and expectations in God

I stand in my place of freedom and change
where everlasting love and peace

I stand in my place of freedom and change
where wholeness is always found.

I stand in my place of freedom and change
where the TRUTH I rehearse to my life
is sound.


Sunday, June 20, 2010


Proverbs 2:2-3, "Turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding." (NIV)

Deuteronomy 4:29, "But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." (NIV)

2 Chronicles 15:12, "They entered into a covenant to seek the LORD, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul." (NIV)

Monday, June 14, 2010



God, I make you bigger.

Bigger than my problems

and my dilemmas.

bigger than my worries

and my fears.

Lord, I make you bigger.

Bigger than my disappointments

and my regrets.

Bigger than my past

and my mistakes.

Father, I make you bigger.

Bigger than my circumstances

and my situations.

Bigger than my weaknesses

and my inadequacies.

Father, Lord, God!

You ARE bigger!

©2010 Groshonda McDonald

Friday, May 28, 2010


God's power, His character, and His love
are not bound by my emotions,
neither should my faith in His power,
 His character or His love be bound by my emotions. 
What I am "feeling" is not real truth and is temporary. 
What God says and promises in His Word is
I must know who God is and what His Word says. 
I must believe regardless of how I feel.
Faith to Faith.

FAITH...the step between promise and assurance.

Monday, May 17, 2010



The very fact you love me so much
that you gave up the life of your son
so that I might have eternal life

The very fact you extend mercy and grace that
I am unworthy of so that I might experience
the life you promise to me

The very fact you shape, mold and refine me
 into the vessel capable of living the life
 you desire and purpose for me

The very fact that you are God
and in my life

Lord, you are

copyright 2010 Groshonda McDonald

Monday, May 10, 2010



I hear my heart beat...
change is coming.

I hear my breath...
change is coming.

I hear my thoughts...
change is coming.

I hear my life...
change is coming.

Do I welcome this change?

Do I run from this change?

Do I resist this change?

Do I stand in this change?

These are questions for me and God to talk over.

Change is definetly coming...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

God's Poet

My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king.
My tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

Saturday, April 17, 2010



Human ties and bonds are fragile and

subject to unintentional and

intentional manipulations.

They are governed by fine printed stipulations.

They are influenced and swayed

by fleshly stimulations.

They are weighed and measured

against emotional fluctuations.

Jealousy and envy, inside hearts,

stomp about.

Pride and selfishness leak in and leak out.

Forgiveness is withheld and

granted with presumed and assumed clout.

Relationships are caught, then thrown back,

like riverbank trout.

Agape love? I think not.

© 2009 Groshonda McDonald

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I just want to say, "Thank You!" 
Even when I had given up on me, You DID NOT.
You did not see me as I was but as who I was to come to be.
I can not believe how much you have changed me and my life.
I can not believe the PEACE I now rest in.
It is amazing how much my outlook on life has changed.
No longer do I dread another day, searching frantically for any escape.
I am SAFE!  I am LOVED!  I am free to be ME!
How do I thank you, Lord?
How do you thank someone for the gift of freedom to LIVE life? 
I love You, Lord!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


My desire today, Lord, is to operate in the fierceness of love for You, and others around me.
Give it to me, Lord.  Develop it in me, Lord.  Cultivate it in me, Lord...TODAY.  I submit to the process and the preparation.  I am here to learn.  Teach me, Lord.
How do I comfort?  How do I edify?  How do I lift up?  How do I encourage?
Your Word says, "You give me the tongue of the learned so that I might have a word for those who are weary in this season."
Thank You, Lord, for a word for the weary.  Thank You for the tongue of the learned.
Thank You, Father.  I worship You, Lord.  There is truly NONE like you.  NO ONE like You in All the earth and in ALL of heaven.
You are the "Great I Am!"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Things That Strangle Us

Things That Strangle Us

by Charles R. Swindoll
Mark 4

While reading through Mark's Gospel recently, I was drawn into the scene of chapter 4. You remember, it's that time Jesus sat down in a little boat by the seashore and talked about a farmer who dropped seeds into the dirt. Same seed, different soil, different results. Four to be exact.

Some seeds fell beside the road . . . the birds gobbled them up. A few seeds fell on rocky ground . . . the sun scorched the rootless growth, and they withered and died. Other seeds fell among thorns . . . which choked out the growth so severely there was no crop to harvest. Still other seeds fell into good soil . . . bumper crop. Then Jesus explained each point.

First, He said, the seed represents "the word." I believe we're safe in saying that "the word" refers to truth. God's truth. Second, the different soils represent people's varied responses to that "word." All four "hear," but not all reap a harvest. That's significant. Hearing guarantees nothing. Next, the results are directly related to the condition of the soil . . . not the quality of the seed. If you look closely, you'll see that the first two groups lack roots. Only with the last two groups does Jesus mention fruit.

I think it's obvious that the first two groups of people are without spiritual life. No roots, no fruit, no growth, no change whatsoever. The third group hears, but only the fourth group "hears the word and accepts it," resulting in strong, healthy growth. It's the third group that intrigues me. These people hear everything the fourth group hears. But those truths are not really accepted, allowed to take root, and grow. Instead, the thorns "choke the word and it becomes unfruitful."

Thorns that choke? What are they? Jesus doesn't leave us in the dark. They are "the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things" (Mark 4:19).

The term "worry" is derived from the old German word wurgen, which means "to choke." By extension, the word came to denote "mental strangulation" and, finally, to describe the condition of being harassed with anxiety. Worry begins as a thin stream trickling through our minds. If entertained, it cuts a deeper channel into which other thoughts are drained.

But the third species of thorns is the killer: "the desires for other things." It's the picture of discontentment, the plague of pursuit: pushing, straining, stretching, relentlessly reaching, while our minds become strangled with the lie "enough just isn't enough."

Jesus closed off His brief talk with that familiar line, "He who has ears, let him hear" (Mark 4:9).

When the thorns of life scratch us, we need the pruning shears of the Word.

Excerpted from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Copyright © 2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers). All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


"Young Man" framed matted print!
The customer ordered this piece for her son's graduation from college in May.
It turned out really well!  I thank God for His inspiration.

Monday, March 8, 2010


In His Time

In His time, in His time.
He makes all things beautiful
In His time.
Lord, please show me everyday,
As You're teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say,
In Your time.

by Diane Bell

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him.  Psalm 37:7

I can do nothing without you, Lord.  So I wait for you.
Teach me, help me to wait patiently for you, Lord. 
Help me to trust you, wholeheartedly and with ALL my soul.
Steady me in my wait, Lord.
Help me to worship while I am waiting, Lord.
Place within me a desire for your will to be fulfilled that supercedes
anything else that I would wish for.
Encourage me, Lord.  Help me to seek you when I
"feel" like giving up and throwing in the towel.
Help me to allow you to be my strength ALWAYS.
Let patience have her perfect work while I wait.
In Jesus' Name,
Lord, you ARE faithful.

Hold steady when the fires burn,
When inner lessons come to learn,
And from this path there seems no turn-
"Let patience have her perfect work."

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pruninng and Purging

And every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.  John 15:2

It is the branch that bears the fruit,
That feels the knife,
To prune it for a larger growth,
A fuller life.

Though every budding twig be lopped,
And every grace
Of swaying tendril, springing leaf,
Be lost a space.

O thou whose life of joy seems reft,
Of beauty shorn;
Whose aspirations lie in dust,
All bruised and torn,

Rejoice, tho' each desire, each dream,
Each hope of thine
Shall fall and fade; it is the hand
Of Love Divine

That holds the knife, that cuts and breaks
With tenderest touch,
That thou, whose life has borne some fruit
May'st now bear much.

Annie Johnson Flint

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Need to be freed from myself.
Need to break out of being selfish.
Cravings for attention.  Appetite for applause. 
Vying for the spotlight. 
Grasping for acceptance and approval.
Longing to be special in the fallible eyes of people.
Frustrating.  Dissappointing.  Rejection.
What about God?  What about what He says about me?
What about what He thinks about me?
What about what He sees in me?
What about His approval and acceptance. 
Lord, I need you right now.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Truth, Hope, Love, Grace


How do I dig past scratching at the surface?

How do I get to the root,

to the truth of my salvation’s matter?

No glossy shine. No polished shine. Raw material.

Search me, Lord and know my heart.

Test me and know my anxious thoughts.

See if there is any offensive way in me

and lead me in the way everlasting.

Raw material surrendered to the Master’s hands.

Imperfections exposed. Flaws highlighted.

Refining really begins.

Worshipping. Letting of the steering wheel.

Destination unknown,

but promised as an expected end.

Not to harm, but to prosper.

My latter is written to be greater than how it began.

© 2009 Groshonda McDonald
All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Highest Bidder

Highest Bidder


She has put herself on the auctioning block.

She sells off, not

just her body,

but small pieces of emotion,

for bits of devotion

from men with tarnished tokens

of love’s similarity.

She has put herself on the auctioning block.

She sells off, not

just her time and energy,

but small bits of emotion,

for pieces of devotion

from men with tarnished tokens

of love’s familiarity.

She has put herself on the auctioning block.

© 2009 Groshonda McDonald

All rights reserved.

(excerpt from Rainbow of Redemption)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Prayer

My Prayer

let my life be an example of application and manifestation of Your truth.
Let it be unto me according to Your Word.
Let me be a woman of grace.
Let the eyes of my heart be enlightened.
Let me excersise discernment and look at the world I see
through Your eyes and from Your perspective.
Let me be led by Your Spirit in obedience.
Let my heart be filled with humility, gratitude, and thanksgiving.
Let me always be repentive and walk in fear of You, Lord.
In Jesus' Name

His mercy is on them who fear Him from generation to generation.  Luke 1:50

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


"What is it that troubles you, Beloved?"
     Lord, I feel so inadequate in this salvation...my salvation.  I feel like so many of my steps are mis-steps...so unsure and hesitant.  And even when I feel sure, there is still doubt.

"Do you trust me, Beloved?"
     Sometimes I think I do.  I mean, most of the time I do.  I know for sure I don't trust myself.  Sometimes I am so overcome with my need for your help.  I feel one wrong move and I will fall back into the madness you delivered me from.

"Do you believe I love you?"
     I do.  I'm not quite sure how I've come to know this for certain, but I do.  I feel your love all over me and moving specifically in my heart.  For the first time my heart is touched and stroked by a peaceful breeze. 

"Do you choose me, Beloved?"
     I do.  I know that for certain.  My desire is to live for you, to know you, to stay in constant fellowship with you.  I need you for my life to have hope and meaning.  I have always felt lost without you.  I need you, Lord.  I can not live without you.  My life would be unbearable again without you.  You are my ONLY choice.  There is no other choice than to choose you. 

"You're doing fine, Beloved."

Lord, I love you.

Saturday, January 23, 2010



Romans 6:14 
 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thursday, January 21, 2010



Lord, I love you!

I am free to love you

without fear of

being misunderstood,

being mistaken,

being mishandled,

being mistreated or

being misused.

Lord, you love me!

I am free to be loved by you

without fear of





disillusionment or


I am free to love


be loved by you!

copyright 2010 Groshonda McDonald

Monday, January 18, 2010


Why I Write

I am writing for
my salvation,
for my motivation,
for my life.

My pen is my flashlight
that makes visible my soul.

Words I place
on this paper,
fill my spirit's
empty spaces
and repairs,
one by one,
each and
every hole.

Psalm 45:1 
My heart is stirred by a noble theme.
As I recite my verses for the King,
my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.