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Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Poem Dedicated To Real Friendships


We are friends, real friends.
Our friendship is not based on the
played out notion of having
our selfish needs met.
It is an agape relationship,
modeled after a godly covenant.
Love, honor and respect
are our friendship benefits.

We are not in a competition and
 we do not view each as rivals.
We stand as sisters, in agreement
and pray on one accord
for both our survivals.

We do not require each other
to dim our lights,
but instead we encourage each other
to shine them bright.

We do not tear each other down,
but purpose in our hearts to uplift.
God blessed us with each other.
Our friendship is a special gift.

We are friends, real friends.

© 2009 Groshonda McDonald

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