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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Highest Bidder

Highest Bidder


She has put herself on the auctioning block.

She sells off, not

just her body,

but small pieces of emotion,

for bits of devotion

from men with tarnished tokens

of love’s similarity.

She has put herself on the auctioning block.

She sells off, not

just her time and energy,

but small bits of emotion,

for pieces of devotion

from men with tarnished tokens

of love’s familiarity.

She has put herself on the auctioning block.

© 2009 Groshonda McDonald

All rights reserved.

(excerpt from Rainbow of Redemption)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Prayer

My Prayer

let my life be an example of application and manifestation of Your truth.
Let it be unto me according to Your Word.
Let me be a woman of grace.
Let the eyes of my heart be enlightened.
Let me excersise discernment and look at the world I see
through Your eyes and from Your perspective.
Let me be led by Your Spirit in obedience.
Let my heart be filled with humility, gratitude, and thanksgiving.
Let me always be repentive and walk in fear of You, Lord.
In Jesus' Name

His mercy is on them who fear Him from generation to generation.  Luke 1:50

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


"What is it that troubles you, Beloved?"
     Lord, I feel so inadequate in this salvation...my salvation.  I feel like so many of my steps are mis-steps...so unsure and hesitant.  And even when I feel sure, there is still doubt.

"Do you trust me, Beloved?"
     Sometimes I think I do.  I mean, most of the time I do.  I know for sure I don't trust myself.  Sometimes I am so overcome with my need for your help.  I feel one wrong move and I will fall back into the madness you delivered me from.

"Do you believe I love you?"
     I do.  I'm not quite sure how I've come to know this for certain, but I do.  I feel your love all over me and moving specifically in my heart.  For the first time my heart is touched and stroked by a peaceful breeze. 

"Do you choose me, Beloved?"
     I do.  I know that for certain.  My desire is to live for you, to know you, to stay in constant fellowship with you.  I need you for my life to have hope and meaning.  I have always felt lost without you.  I need you, Lord.  I can not live without you.  My life would be unbearable again without you.  You are my ONLY choice.  There is no other choice than to choose you. 

"You're doing fine, Beloved."

Lord, I love you.

Saturday, January 23, 2010



Romans 6:14 
 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thursday, January 21, 2010



Lord, I love you!

I am free to love you

without fear of

being misunderstood,

being mistaken,

being mishandled,

being mistreated or

being misused.

Lord, you love me!

I am free to be loved by you

without fear of





disillusionment or


I am free to love


be loved by you!

copyright 2010 Groshonda McDonald

Monday, January 18, 2010


Why I Write

I am writing for
my salvation,
for my motivation,
for my life.

My pen is my flashlight
that makes visible my soul.

Words I place
on this paper,
fill my spirit's
empty spaces
and repairs,
one by one,
each and
every hole.

Psalm 45:1 
My heart is stirred by a noble theme.
As I recite my verses for the King,
my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

Friday, January 8, 2010


NO FEAR IN LOVE belongs to you.
My poetry is Your gift to use, to promote Your name,
to expand Your kingdom, to edify Your body. 
I am Your vessel, willing, obedient, and available to You,
with ears to hear, eyes to see and a heart to serve. 
Guide and direct me.  My footsteps are to be ordered by Your Word.
I trust You!  I trust You!  I trust You!
I seek and follow after Your wisdom. 
I seek and follow after Your peace.
You are my source of 
Your faithfulness, righteousness, holiness, and mercy
 are the objects of my
I belong to you with ALL that I am.

In Jesus' Name I pray,

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just a little note

NO FEAR IN LOVE was birthed from my journals. We should never forget that every struggle is shared even if not known. Your healing is purposed for the healing of others. The Lord gives us victory to reveal victory to others. Share how God has helped you overcome your struggles to encourage and edify someone who may be on the verge of giving up. Be blessed to bless. ♥

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day One

Deuteronomy 6:7
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Today begins a corporate body 21 day fast, along with prayer.  One of the things I am seeking and praying for is consistency in leading devotion, prayer, meditation and study of the Word of God in my home.
Tonight was the first night.  It wasn't what I would call a success, but it was a start. 

To often, as a Christian mother I focus on my salvation and tend to just drag my son along.   He is physically present for the comings and goings of worship, but is not actively participating in the act of worship. 

God wants my son to be more than a mere observer of salvation and His love.  He wants my son to experience and have knowledge of who He is and His love for him. 

I am the vessel God wants to use to lead and guide my son to the knowledge of God's word and the life God wants him to live. 

lead me and guide me in this new endeavor.
I thank you for wanting to teach me AND my son about who you are.
I thank you for Your care and concern towards my family. 
I thank You that You love us and want us to be successful in living for You.
Give me the strength and the courage to be consistent in setting aside time for devotion with my son.
My desire is to ignite a love for You and for Your Word.
In the name of Jesus,