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Monday, January 4, 2010

Day One

Deuteronomy 6:7
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Today begins a corporate body 21 day fast, along with prayer.  One of the things I am seeking and praying for is consistency in leading devotion, prayer, meditation and study of the Word of God in my home.
Tonight was the first night.  It wasn't what I would call a success, but it was a start. 

To often, as a Christian mother I focus on my salvation and tend to just drag my son along.   He is physically present for the comings and goings of worship, but is not actively participating in the act of worship. 

God wants my son to be more than a mere observer of salvation and His love.  He wants my son to experience and have knowledge of who He is and His love for him. 

I am the vessel God wants to use to lead and guide my son to the knowledge of God's word and the life God wants him to live. 

lead me and guide me in this new endeavor.
I thank you for wanting to teach me AND my son about who you are.
I thank you for Your care and concern towards my family. 
I thank You that You love us and want us to be successful in living for You.
Give me the strength and the courage to be consistent in setting aside time for devotion with my son.
My desire is to ignite a love for You and for Your Word.
In the name of Jesus,


  1. Have you experimented with having your son LEAD a joint prayer session with you? Listen to the things that he focuses on without correcting him. Then pray in the direction you are lead to after hearing what comes out of his mouth. It may, of course, take more than ONE session to see positve results... Then again, what do I know?

  2. Not bad advice, Luther. As a matter of fact that is exactly what we do. Still working on the "not correcting" part. Have to keep in mind that he needs to come into his own with God and prayer. Thanx!
