for many of us this is a tall order.
Help us to REALLY understand what You are saying to us in this passage of scriptures.
Sensitize our ears to hear the Holy Spirit speaking Your truth to us and leading us in pleasing You with willing obedience.
Let us fully receive your forgiveness and the completeness of that forgiveness that we would be enabled through the Holy Spirit to extend forgiveness.
Help us to love others with Your unconditional love.
Lead us in our worship of You to become more like You in the living out of our lives.
Lord, help us to let Your peace be referee and umpire in our hearts so that our lives promote peace in our environments, whether it be our homes, our workplace, our schools or our churches, or wherever You place us, Lord.
We love You and we are grateful for Your everlasting love and Your peace, which surpasses ALL comprehension, that guards our hearts and our minds.
In Jesus' Name,
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